Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting Rid Of Cankles Has Never Been Easier

Getting Rid Of Cankles

Don't listen to the doctors and trainers that tell you there is no way to get rid of cankles. The truth is there is finally a new program that treats all the causes of cankles and is proven to remove them forever!

Did You Know There Is A Radical New Way of Getting Rid Of Cankles?

Cankle, a portmanteau term combining calf and ankle, refers to "the area in affected female legs where the calf meets the foot in an sudden, nontapering terminus," according to Urban Dictionary. A spokeswoman for the American Podiatric Medical Association says the term is not a medical phrase.

Is liposuction or surgical treatment an actual cankles cure? - Nope. How about going to the gym for 2 hours a day? Nope.  Starving ourselves - No! This is the old thoughts about cankles...

There is on the other hand, at long last, a established cankles cure that works every time; in truth it is guaranteed! It is a new plan made in Austraila called Bye Bye Cankles. This is the first and maybe the only plan that was made specially to treat and get rid of Cankles.

Listen in, cankles may not be treated just by diet, or exercise, and definately not by surgical treatment (they just come right back in a short time). I had the surgery and it did not work AND it cost me $5,200.00!

No, cankles ought to be treated with a multi-pronged approach. Not only do we have to do some straightforward exercises but they need to be very specific ones that highly target the various muscles in the ankle region. We also have to look at our diet; there are some factors that have to be addressed and may be addressed with diet.

Then there is blood circulation. For some reason, some individuals have this thing where the blood pools up in the vicinity of the ankle area. I have had doctors tell me that there is just nothing that can be done about this, but that is not factual.

Your blood will begin to build up in your lower limbs if you have poor blood circulation. This may lead to the swollen appearance that the ankles may have. If you stand or sit for very long periods of time then your heart can have trouble in pumping the blood from your ankles back near your body, thus leaving it all behind your ankles.

How do I know it is not correct? I know because I had terribly, unsightly, fat, funky cankles. That is until I found this program for getting rid of cankles! I have been cankle free (sounds funny doesn't it) for a quite a while now.

You realize what I am doing right now? I am sitting at the coffee cafe, outside, writing this (to get the word out) wearing shorts! I used to never wear shorts - ever. I was too ashamed of my ugly cankles - well those days are gone!

Best money I ever spent, Thank You Bye Bye Cankles.

Click Here For A Getting Rid Of Cankles Plan That Works

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Treatment, Atopic Dermatitis

treatment atopic dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis is a form of Eczema , or inflammation of the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). Terminology The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent skin conditions. These include dryness and recurring skin rash es that are characterized by one or more of these symptom s: redness, skin edema (swelling), itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding. Areas of temporary skin discoloration may appear and are sometimes due to healed lesion s. Scratching open a healing lesion may result in scarring and may enlarge the rash

Treatment, Atopic Dermatitis | Click Here For A Natural Solution That Works

Treatment atopic dermatitis: Dermatitis i s very commmon, it is non-contagious and non-inflammatory and is considered a skin disease. Generally it's symptoms are redness, itching, swelling, dryness, and sometimes, blistering. The outer layer of skin may appear to be thickened and become scaly and sensitive. There are many kinds of dermatitis and it is also commonly known as Eczema.

Many people think that dermatits is caused by contact with somethign or by chemicals in soap or other agents. Although these can irritate the condition, dermatitis is actually caused by toxins inside the body. The best approach to curing eczema is to detoxify your body - easier said than done.

Atopic dermatitis research scientists are investigating possible causes and developing better ways of managing, treating, and preventing the condition. Promising research studies are focusing on areas such as genetics, biochemical abnormalities, faulty regulation of IgE, and immune system imbalance. Atopic dermatitis research is also testing new treatment methods, such as ultraviolet light, biologic agents, and Chinese herbs.

Scientists believe that an imbalance in the immune system may also contribute to the development of the condition. Researchers believe that the part of the immune system responsible for stimulating IgE is overactive and that the part that handles skin, viral, and fungal infections is underactive. This imbalance appears to result in the skin's inability to prevent inflammation, even in areas of skin that appear normal.

With all the great research that has been, very good natural and holistic programs have been developed to permanently cure dermatitis (eczema). These programs take everything into account that the research has shown and addresses all of them. With a total approach to treatment for atopic dermatitis many people have been completley cured; I know because I am one of them.

It worked for me and will work for you too!

Go To www.EczemaFreeForever.com: The premiere NAtural Program To Permanently Cure Dermatitis

treatment atopic dermatitis  

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Recovery From Back Surgery Is More Painful With Failed Back Syndrome

recovery from back surgery

I thought surgery was supposed to stop the chronic back pain; and before i get too far into it, I guess it does for many people. Then there are the others; the high number of people who experience additional, surprising, very painful for results during their recovery from back surgery. Painful results that can, and sometimes do, last a lifetime if not treated properly. What causes is this is a fairly generic term known as 'Failed Back Syndrome'.

If you are thinking about surgery for your chronic back pain you need to know about failed back syndrome which can sometimes occur during recovery from back surgery?. Failed Back Syndrome (FBS) is a term for the lingering persistent pain which happens after back surgery. It can sometimes include a dull, aching pain in the back that becomes chronic and this is way more common than you may think.

There are many causes of FBS some of them include:

* Wrong Diagnosis

* Muscular deconditioning

* Anxiety

* Scar tissue pulling on the nerves

* Residual disc herniation

The pain can vary during and after recovery from back surgery depending on the procedure and the pain ranges from dull to stabbing. Not very good news for those of us who have chronic back pain and thought surgery was our last or only option.

The interesting thing is, and this can seem to be counter intuitive, is that when back surgery can be avoided, we can avoid the long term discomfort of Failed Back Syndrome.

That brings about the obvious question; How Do I Avoid Back Surgery? The thing that many doctors do not tell us is that chronic back issues are caused by several different factors, not just one - like a herniated disc or sacroiliac and facet joint hyper mobility. The other factors include:

* Overall back conditioning

* Diet

* Stretching

* And how we use our backs

Everyone is different, so a 'One sized fits all approach' never works. It was along road for until I finally conquered my chronic back pain. It took a natural holistic approach with a program that was specifically designed for my condition and how I lived.

The reason it was such a long road for is that I was looking in all the wrong places. Now I am not a doctor and I don't want to tell anyone that they do not need surgery - you may. But I can say that whether you are in recovery from back surgery or about to be or want to avoid surgery altogether, there is a program that can help you.

recovery from back surgery

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pain Left Shoulder Blade

pain left shoulder blade

Basic, gentle conditioning exercises will help you to relieve your shoulder pain and back pain.  The first thing that is needed is to understand a little bit about the shoulder.  To understand that it is ultimately up to you learn what to do and to Take Action.  Make a natural approach to pain management part of your life and you can life pain free forever!

Pain Left Shoulder Blade: Click Here For A Simple Solution To A Complicated Condition

Pain in the left shoulder blade is the result if the complex makeup of the shouder joint.  The shoulder is vulnerable to stress due the wide range of movement capable.  There is a simple solution to treating this pain and for being pain free forever - that solution is a gentle conditioning program that takes into account all of the issues associated with shoulder/ back pain.

The shoulder is made up of three seprate joints that create one point of articulation at the head of the humerous.  What that maenas is that all of these parts need to be understood and treated in order to have a shoulder that operates the way it is intended to.  Pain left shoulder blade is the result of one (or more) of these parts being stressed too much.

There can of course be many other problems that can affect the shoulders and cause pain of minor or major proportions. Here are just some of those problems that are most apt to affect the shoulder:

1. Rotator cuff syndrome that can either be a strain/sprain, or a tear.

2. Muscles that are not part of the rotator group can be torn or strained.

3. Tendons and ligaments can be torn or strained.

4. Inflammation of the shoulder joint, due to a virus arthropathy.

The list could go on and on.

Of course you can go to the doctor (and sometimes that is needed) and you can take medications, but these only mask the pain and symptoms of pain in the shoulder blade area. Surgery is not always successful and many report that pain returns within one year of surgery.  Once again, this is because surgery is only a temporary solution.

The best permanent solution to pain left shoulder blade is a natural holistic approach to conditioning your shoulders/ back so that it operates correctly and can handle the stress of everyday living.  Now I'm not talking about going to the gym for hours every day.

What is needed is a program that addresses exactly what type of pain you have and can give uyou a customized program of action to heal your pain.  It is relatively easy to find a program that is specifically designed for back pain sufferes.  Something that is easy to follow and takes your individual condition in account by using some sort of thorough assessment.  There are a few such programs like this available if you look for them.

visit this blog for a full review of the Bullet Proof Back Program and how it can help you to exercise lower back and relieve your pain permanently!


pain left shoulder blade

Friday, May 7, 2010

Exercise Lower Back: Simple Gentle Exercises Are The Key To A HEalthy Pain Free Back

exercise lower back

After an episode of low back pain has lasted between two and six weeks, or if there are frequent recurrences of low back pain, it is reasonable to consider back pain exercises and physical therapy for back treatment. (Some spine specialists consider back exercise and physical therapy sooner, particularly if the pain is severe.) In general, the goals of back pain exercises and physical therapy are to decrease back pain, increase function, and provide education on a maintenance program to prevent further recurrences.

Exercise lower back; why is it a secret? Maybe it is not a secret, but it certainly information that many doctors and the drug companies don't want you to know about.  The reasons why are pretty obvious, they want to sell you surgeries and medications - well the truth is surgery does not always work and drugs just mask the problem.

Most low back pain can get better if you stay active, avoid positions and activities that may increase or cause back pain, use ice, and take nonprescription pain relievers when you need them.

When you no longer have acute pain, you may be ready for gentle strengthening exercises for your stomach, back, and legs, and perhaps for some stretching exercises. Exercise may not only help decrease low back pain, but it may also help you recover faster, prevent reinjury to your back, and reduce the risk of disability from back pain.

Exercises to reduce low back pain are not complicated and can be done at home without any special equipment.

It's important that you don't let fear of pain keep you from trying gentle activity. You should try to be active soon after noticing pain, and gradually increase your activity level.1 Too little activity can lead to loss of flexibility, strength, and endurance, and then to more pain.

Exercises that may help reduce or prevent low back pain include:

    * Aerobic exercise, to condition your heart and other muscles, maintain health, and speed recovery.
    * Strengthening exercises, focusing on your back, stomach, and leg muscles.
    * Stretching exercises, to keep your muscles and other supporting tissues flexible and less prone to injury.

It is important to learn how to do any exercise correctly before you do it. Especially when the exercise is a treatment for pain.

Some exercises can aggravate back pain. If you have low back pain, avoid:

    * Straight leg sit-ups.
    * Bent leg sit-ups or partial sit-ups (curl-ups) when you have acute back pain.
    * Lifting both legs while lying on your back (leg lifts).
    * Lifting heavy weights above the waist (standing military press or bicep curls).
    * Toe touches while standing.

Going to a gym and getting the advice of a run-of-the-mill certified trainer is the wrong thing to do to help alleviate lower back pain.  Many of them will recommend the same exercises as above - which will ultimately hurt you.

That's why I suggest you find a program that is specifically designed for back pain sufferes.  Something that is easy to follow and takes your individual condition in account by using some sort of thorough assessment.  There are a few such programs like this available if you look for them.

Discover how to Bullet Proof your back and never suffer from lower back pain again by learning a few simple exercises for your lower back
visit this blog for a full review of the Bullet Proof Back Program and how it can help you to exercise lower back and relieve your pain permanently!


exercise lower back

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bullet Proof Back Review - Finally A Real Solution For Back Pain

As a chronic back pain sufferer for years I had tried probably every treatment known to man - even surgery.  Although there was temporary relief after the surgery, my back pain came back less than year after-wards.  The only thing I had to show for the surgery was an ugly scar and the memory of the very painful recovery period. Then I Found:   Click Here To Learn More About The Solution I Found: www.BulletProofBack.com

I write this blog to give people my experience of what works in the world of natural holistic treatments for all sorts of ailments including back pain.  Mainly I write about those ailments which I have direct experience on; knowing there are literally 1000's of people that are suffering just like I did.

In my quest to find stuff that actually works I give Bullet Proof Back 10 out of 10 for being and doing exactly what it advertises.

Bullet Proof Back is a natural holistic approach for back pain relief written by a lifelong back pain sufferer named Eric Wong, GCs, CSCS.  Eric has a Bachelor of Science (BSc) as a Certified Kinesiologist and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCS).  He studied at the University of Waterloo under world renowned back specialist, Dr. Stuart Mcgill. And has been helping people get relief for over 10 years.

He used his education and experience as a chronic back pain sufferer to develop his holistically based program to treat back and neck pain.

OK, So What Is The Bullet Proof Back System?
Eric's system teaches you the importance of 4 key factors that are essential to freeing you from back pain forever, and then shows you how to put these into practice in your life (I spend a whole 10- 15 minutes daily implementing his program).

1. Muscular imbalance and and dysfunctional posture
2. Movement patterns in daily life, exercise, and sport
3. How to recruit the proper muscles for the proper movements
4. Advanced Core Stability training methods

The significance of the Bullet Proof Back System is that it combines all these concepts into a very easy to follow program that will help you eliminate your back pain forever.  This is unique because until now, doctors, therapists, and masseuses only concentrated on one of these key components to back health at any one time (if at all).

 I learned how my back actually worked.  Then took Eric's comprehensive assessment to discover exactly where my problem was.  After that, based on my assessment, the program put together an individual course of action for me.  The video library really helped to make sure I was doing the conditioning stuff right.

All in all it is 4 phase 16 week program - I can tell you that I was feeling major relief in just a couple of weeks!

If you suffer from back pain (and I'm guessing you do if you are reading this), then the$97 price tag for this system is more than worth it.  I know that compared to a book on Amazon or something that 97 bucks seems expensive.  But when you compare it to regular massages or a doctor or physical therapist it is very reasonable.  Not only that but Eric guarantees his program to work! 

If you don't like you can just get your money back.  I never thought one about getting a refund.

In my quest to find stuff that actually works I give Bullet Proof Back 10 out of 10 for being and doing exactly what it advertises: www.BulletProofBack.com


Monday, May 3, 2010

Pain Upper Left Back - You Don't Have To Suffer If You Don't Want To

pain upper left back

I write alot about back pain.  The reason I do this is because I know there are thousands of people who are suffering just like I used to.  Surgery did not work for me, I almost became addicted to pain meds, and thought I would be in a wheel chair after some point...  My story is not that unique.  Finally I found a program that taught me how to take a holistic approach to healing my back, and you know what- it worked.

Pain Upper Left Back - www.bulletproofback.com

At some point in everyone's life there will be the experience of back pain. For some of us the pain is recurring, or chronic, for me this means a stabbing pain upper left back. I never know when it is going to happen or exactly why - at least I didn't until I found a natural program that taught me how to live pain free forever.

What exactly is upper left back pain?
Upper left back pain is generally seen as a specific pain that affects a particular part of the left upper back and this pain can become severe and it can even turn chronic. Typically, this pain is felt whenever a person tries to take a deep peath and also when the affected area is touched. In addition, upper left back pain means that you will not be able to move your shoulders and neck freely because the pain caused will limit your movements.

The most common symptoms for pain upper left back include pain in the chest when breathing, weakness and pain in the shoulder as well as pain in the arms. As soon as one or more of these upper left back pain symptoms are noticed it becomes necessary to get suitable treatment started.

What not to do.
If you can avoid it do not take pain killers or muscle relaxers. Sure these will give some temporary relief, nut they do not address the issue. At some point in the future you will be experiencing the same pain again and again.

There is a natural solution.
The best solution for pain in the upper left back is to take a natural holistic approach starting with understanding how your back works. The back is a complicated system of bones, muscles, ligaments, and nerves that work in concert with each other. Learning why you are in pain, what you did to cause it, and how to counteract those actions, is the key to never having back pain again.

There are a few truly great programs that will show you how to apply a holistic back pain relief program in your life. You can live pain free; I am proof of that. If you have back pain I urge you to seek a natural solution so you can say good bye to back pain forever.

Discover how to Bullet Proof your back and never suffer from pain upper left back Again. Visit www.BulletProofBack.com Now for a Natural Solution to Your Pain!

pain upper left back

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Restless Legs Remedy | A Permanent Natural Way To Heal RLS

 restless legs remedy

It was 3a.m., and I was awake. Lying in bed, jerking my legs around trying not to wake up my wife.  The house is so quiet and all I can do is concentrate on how the creeping, crawling feelings inside my right leg are driving me crazy.  For about a month I had been wondering if there were such a thing as a restless legs remedy...

A Natural Restless Legs Remedy Is Your Best Chance For Permanent Relief

You've been busy all day and the last thing you want to do when it is time to go to sleep is to have your legs keep running. Many people take harsh medications for their restless leg symptoms but the only guaranteed way to heal RLS is with a natural, holistic restless leg remedy.

RLS is an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, sometimes describes as a creeping or crawling sensation. It is a neurological disorder that effects as many as 12 million Americans. Restless Leg Syndrome usually rears it head when we are lying down trying to sleep or when we are in a relaxed position. In many people this can cause severe sleep deprivation over a prolonged period of time.

Too many people live with RLS for years before they do anything about. This may be due to a lack of education and it may be due to something else. Regardless, if you have restless legs syndrome and you want a permanent remedy, there are a few key points you need to look for.

First, look for a program that is specifically designed to treat RLS. This may seem obvious but you would be surprised at how many treatment plans are just generic exercise or massage programs.

Second, make sure that the program addresses all the causes of restless legs. RLS being a neurological problem needs to attacked from many different fronts. This means that not only mild exercise is needed, but also effective relaxation techniques, and diet needs to be covered (among other things). This is known as taking a holistic approach to solving your problem.

Third, if the program includes any kind of medication (drugs) stay away! Drugs like muscle relaxers just mask the symptoms and could be potentially harmful not to mention addicting.

Remember that supplements are different from drugs. The best plans will include a way to determine if you are deficient in any vitamins or minerals and will tell you what is needed (as your particular case may be).

There are a few very good Natural Restless Legs Remedies online. Just be sure and read their entire web page and make sure there is a money back guarantee (just in case).

Finally a RLS Solution that works and works fast! Learn More About This Restless Legs Remedy!

restless legs remedy

Friday, April 30, 2010

Don't Ever Put Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) On Your Eczema

vaseline eczema

 I tried it.  Back in the day before I learned how to cure my eczema once and for all.  There i was all shiny and greasy and still very very itchy!  The worse part was that I had to take a very hot shower (another eczema no-no) and use strong soap (another eczema no-no) to get it off.  I was certainly batting less than 1000 that day.

Vaseline Eczema - Or - Why Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly) Won't Help Eczema | Natural Eczema Cures

Few things are worse than the constant burning and itching of dried up, red and itchy skin. Just remember that Vaseline and eczema do not mix. I know that when you (or worse, your child) has any form of eczema that you'll try anything to get rid of it.

I had people tell me to put all sorts of weird things on my skin as a cure including butter, oatmeal, sage, and even horse manure. Good skin care is important, and I have some tips below. That being said if you want to get rid of eczema you need to treat it from the inside out. See eczema is caused through your immunity system and if you truly want relief you need to take a natural holistic approach to curing eczema.

Good things to know about skin care

Good skin care starts with adequate moisturizing and hydration, which decreases itching and formation of eczema. Hydration of the skin is maintained by the twice daily application of skin moisturizing creams (examples include Keri®, Lubriderm®, Nivea®, Nutraderm®, and Eucerin®). Less expensive moisturizers include generic forms of Johnson and Johnson's Baby Lotion® (which is actually more of a cream) available at discount retailers.

Lotions contain too much water and will actually dry your skin. The difference between a lotion and cream is that a cream has a slightly greasy feel to it even after it has been applied to the skin. Avoid pure petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline®), which does not moisturize the skin, unless placed on top of a moisturizer or moist skin.

Bathing can be helpful if done in the correct manner; and harmful if done incorrectly. Avoid extremely hot or cold water showers or baths. Try to bathe daily, and soak in the water until the fingertips start to wrinkle. Blot dry with a towel (rather than rubbing), and apply a moisturizing cream from head to toe (focusing on problem areas) within 3 minutes of getting out of the bath or shower, while the skin is still moist. If the skin is allowed to air-dry before the moisturizer is applied, the eczema could get worse.

Sun is good for skin but only in low doses and only when using sun screen. This can be a tricky situation for people with eczema because sun block typically falls into the lotion category of skin care. Also, too much sun definitely drys your skin which will make the eczema worse. Believe me their is nothing worse than having a sun burn over dry itchy skin (eczema).

Learning how to permanently cure your eczema is easier than you think. There are a few very good guides available online that outline natural holistic ways to treat your eczema from the inside out. It worked for me and will work for you too - stop scratching!

More on vaseline eczema

Find out about vaseline eczema and how to cure it naturally

vaseline eczema

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Natural Restless Leg Syndrome Treatments And Options - What You Need To Know

How can you get an effective Restless Leg Syndrome treatment if you don't know what RLS really is? You Can't. See I had all the classic symptoms of RLS and did not know what I had. And since doctors think it is some sort of myth, I kept getting the same advice, treatments, and awful drugs that made me sick.

PLMD RLS - Are They The Same Thing? Visit This Link To Find Out.

What is the difference between PLMD and RLS? Is there a way to cure it? How do I know if I have one or the other and what should I do when I find out? I had all these questions. Turns out I had RLS, but the two are very similar. Also turn out that there is a way to, if not outright cure, effectively manage both of these conditions so that it is not a factor in our lives.

Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) is a condition in which a person's legs, move repetitively and uncontrollably while he or she is asleep. These episodes of limb movement can disrupt the person's sleep, causing insomnia or daytime sleepiness. Periodic limb movement symptoms are only considered a disorder (PLMD) when insomnia or daytime sleepiness cannot be explained by any other problem, such as restless legs syndrome.

Nobody really knows the exact cause of PLMD.

PLMD and RLS share alot of the same characteristics, such as a genetic link, iron deficiency, nerve problems, poor blood circulation in the legs, kidney disorders, and others. But in general the two conditions are seen as being related rather than as causing one another.

What are the symptoms of PLMD?

People with PLMD have trouble falling or staying asleep or feel sleepy during the day because the movements disrupt their sleep. These movements usually are in the legs and occur in some type of pattern. Although a person often is not fully awakened by these movements, they interfere with normal sleep cycles.

How is PLMD diagnosed?

PLMD is diagnosed with a medical history, often including a sleep history from a bed partner, and a physical exam. Symptoms, such as sleep apnea or other subtle breathing problems also may be causing the movements.

Many questions remain about the nature of periodic leg movements and PLMD. Some researchers consider the movements to be normal. I'm guessing these people never suffered from this like I have.

Managing symptoms of PLMD generally includes:

The most effective way to treat PLMD and RLS is with home treatments, such as relaxation exercises or massage. Be careful though, there are specific regiments designed to effectively manage these conditions where as some will do nothing.

Some doctors will prescribe medicines, including dopamine agonists such as ropinirole or pramipexole, benzodiazepines, or the dopamine precursor called levodopa. These medicines, some of which are also used to treat Parkinson's disease, can be very unpleasant to take. Please consider this a last resort when trying to solve this issue.

I have done alot of research on this subject because I was a long time sufferer. What I found is that a natural holistic approach using a specialized program of massage, mild exercise, relaxation, and diet is

extremely effective. I have not had not had any symptoms in over ayear, and I sleep like a baby these days.

Finally a PLMD RLS treatment that works and works fast!

This Solution PLMD RLS only takes 8 minutes (sounds unreal but it is true!)

Why Are You Still Living With Pain in your Upper Right Back?

 pain upper right back

It was about a year ago I woke up with a slight burning in my upper right back; I knew what was coming... This was, unfortunately a familiar feeling for me.  It was about two hours later and I could not even turn my head, I had to go to work and I knew the drive was going to be painful.  In order to drive you have to turn your head.  When I got to work everyone could see there was something wrong, I was walking around like a robot, a cardboard cut out.

Any of this sound familiar?  Want to know why this hasn't happened to me in over a year?

Click This Link To Find Out How I Conquered The Pain in My Upper Right Back

Causes For Pain In Your Upper Right Back | There Is A Natural Solution

When you have upper right back pain it throws your whole body out of whack. Simple, normal everyday things become almost impossible to do. Suffering from chronic or regular back pain can be extremely frustrating and confusing; and if you've seen a doctor who tells you painful surgery is needed it can be down right scary.

The fact is there is no guarantee that surgery will work - It didn't for me. But there is a natural way to heal heal your back, we'll get into that in a moment. FIrst let's look at some of the causes of back pain.

In order to have a properly functioning back it needs to be well conditioned, this is a fact that is often over looked by doctors who just want to perform surgery or prescribe potentially harmful drugs. When the back is not conditioned, sudden motions like twisting, bending or lifting can cause upper right back pain. Anti-inflamatory drugs can provide temporay relief but that just ignores the underlying cause of the pain.

Repetitive Motions

Sitting at a desk all day, working on your computer, or other types of repetitive motions can also cause pain in your upper right back (other areas of the back too). Again here is where a wsell conditioned back will help. The problem is that most people think that means going to an expensive gym for hours a day - not true.

Many people get massages or go to the chiropractor to try and relieve the pain. Massages can be helpful, if only on a temporary basis, but chiropractors are scary (and a little shady too if you ask me). Physical therapists are expensive, but most do know what they are doing and can provide a viable solution to your pain.

There Is A Natural Solution.

The most important thing to a life without back pain is learning the key concepts related to spine health and the anatomy and function of the spine and back muscles. With this knowledge you'll discover exactly what you're doing wrong that you must stop and what to do to start the healing process. This coupled with a mobility and Developmental exercise program, which will teach you to recruit inhibited muscles, fix muscular imbalances, and increase flexibility and mobility, will teach you proper movement patterns and bulletproof your back using advanced core stability training methods.

I know that is an over simplified explanation, but it is the core of back health. There are many resources online that will expound on this and teach you exactly how it is done. My personal experience is that after I learned what was causing my back pain and how to take care of it (which I spend a whole 10 minutes a day doing); now pain is no longer part of my life.

Discover how to Bullet Proof your back and never siffer from Pain in the Upper Right Back Again.

Visit www.BulletProofBack.com Now for a Natural Sollution to Your Pain!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Get Rid Of Eczema Fast And Forever

Stop putting that stuff (whatever it is) on your red dry itchy flaky ouchy skin; get rid eczema from the inside!  That's right, the problem is on the inside not the outside...

Get Rid of Eczema Naturally | Works For Everybody Every Time  

Click Here To Learn What Works 

If you are putting stuff on your skin to get rid eczema, it will never go away. I know this because I had tried everything from cream prescribed by my doctor to ointments concocted by an spiritual healer; seriously!

What I didn't understand is that eczema is a condition (or set of conditions) inside the body that has more to do with the immune system than anything else.

Once you realize that the problem is not on the skin it is inside the body you can then point yourself in the right direction for effective healing. Why it took my own research on the internet to learn this rather than any one of the doctors, therapists, or so-called specialists I went to (and spent 1000's of dollars on) is anyone's guess.

So all by my lonesome, through days and days of independent research I stumbled upon a wonderful natural program of action that treats that actual causes of eczema. And it didn't costs 1000's of dollars, it didn't even cost 100 dollars. Not that I wouldn't have spent almost anything that I could afford to get relief; and I finally did get relief.

This is a 100% all natural holistic approach to treating what really causes eczema. It's a simple holistic approach to treating eczema at its root. After about a week of reading and taking action, I became comfortable and the system just became a normal part of life. I think I probably spend 10 minutes a day concentrating on keeping my eczema gone - big difference from the constant worry and itching and hurting and well - if you're reading this you know what I'm talking about.
There is not enough room in this article to tell you exactly how it does work. All I can say is that I am writing this because I know there are people out there suffering that don't know that this system exists. This is a real solution; this works.

Get rid of eczema with something that works for everybody every time.
Get Rid Eczema Now.

Pain Neck And Shoulder | There Is Relief And It's Not Surgery Or Drugs

I was so tired of hurting.  I was so tired of the recurring pain in my neck and shoulder that I would do just about anything.  It was flat out unbearable to think no matter what I did every few weeks, like clock work, I would be incapacitated for a couple of days with back and neck pain.  I am glad I did not give up because I finally did find relief.

Do You Have Pain, Neck And Shoulder Pain? Did You Know You Don't Have To Live With It? 

Click Here And Live Without Pain

I know how frustrating it is to live with neck and shoulder pain. And I know how scary it is to be consider having my back sliced open for surgery. Therapies and treatments have gotten so expensive it makes one wonder why, and who gets all that money.

Thankfully I also know there is a solution to all this pain, whether it is in your neck and shoulder or lower back or where ever. I know because after years of suffering, seemingly hundreds of different treatments and one failed back surgery, I found relief from a surprising and simple source.

I never realized how important a well conditioned back is to overall health. I always thought that because my back hurt so often I couldn't go workout because that would hurt it more. Besides I never did have much interest in spending alot time at the gym. While my doctors and chiropractors were telling me I had all sorts of problems; the truth turned out to be that I just needed to make my back healthy.

It seems pretty simple and that is why I was going to the doctor. But what I discovered is that pills and surgery dis not make me healthy.

What happened is that I learned about how the spine and its corresponding muscles all work together and what that means. I learned that a healthy back can be achieved through natural means; I learned how to incorporate a holistic approach to getting rid of the pain neck and shoulder.

Surprisingly and unexpectedly my whole body got healthier.

It takes about 10 minutes a day for a routine that keeps my back & neck in pain-free shape and I do it in my bedroom before I take a shower in the morning. I learned how to bullet proof my back and if you have back and neck issues I urge you to do the same. I found a natural solution that works.

Discover how to Bullet Proof your back and never suffer from pain neck and shoulder Again. Visit www.BulletProofBack.com Now for a Natural Solution to Your Pain!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Home Remedies for Red Skin That Do Not Work

I am all for natural home remedies for red skin (and for everything else for that matter), but there is alot of bad information out there.  There are alot of so-called remedies that won't do anything to heal you.  And some of them that will make it worse or even harm you. The good news is there is a way to heal your eczema naturally.

NON Effective Home Remedies For Red Skin

The first and best thing to know when looking for home remedies for red skin is what doesn't work.  There are so many home grown treatments out there that don't do anything except waste time.  In fact some of them can even make your red skin (or eczema) worse.

Here are a few common home remedies that Do Not Work:

1. Apply cocnut oil - this will make your skin soft but will not relieve the itchy red skin.
2. Use a mudpack on your dry itchy red skin - do I even need to explain why this won't work?
3. Sunbathing - this is great if you want a sunburn on top of your eczema!
4. Paste of 1 tsp camphor and 1-teaspoon sandalwood - this is something my grandmother would do, it smells great but it can actually make it worse.
5. Absolutely do NOT use any soaps, chemicals or other drying agents for obvious reasons.
6. DO NOthing.  Certainly if you do nothing nothing will be healed.

OK, so those are some of hundreds of Home Remedies for Red Skin that will not do anything helpful for you, so what does work?

Once you realize that the problem is not on the skin it is inside the body you can then point yourself in the right direction for effective healing.  I know this because I suffered with dry, red, itchy, very unattractive red skin for years.  I tried all the above and dozens of other remedies that did nothing for me.  I also went to doctors, specialists, had acupuncture - you name it I probably did it to relieve my eczema.

It wasn't until I was introduced to a wonderful natural program of action that treats that actual causes of eczema that I got any relief.  And what a relief it was.  My red itchy skin went away and it has not come back since!

This is a 100% all natural holistic approach to treating what really causes eczema.  It is simple to do and follow.  You don't have to be a health nut, or herbalist or anything weird.  You just need to have the desire to finally rid yourself of this very uncomfortable condition.

There is not enough room in this blog to tell you exactly how it does work.  All I can sy is that I am writing this because I know there are people out there suffering that don't know that this system exists. This is a real solution; this works.

Home Remedies for Red Skin that work for everybody every time.

Home Remedies for Red Skin Available Now.

Got Neck & Back Pain? I Learned To Live a Pain Free LIfe

For years I had terrible neck & back pain on a regular basis.  Sometimes it was from a twist or bend or whatever.  And sometimes I would just wake up with a stiffness that turned into a horrible throbbing sometimes stabbing pain that could last for days.  Finally after trying what I thought was everything I stepped upon a simple method for living pain free.

It Doesn't Matter What Has Been Said - You Don't Have To Live With Neck & Back Pain

Neck & back pain affects about 80% of adults at some time in their lives, and about 50% of people experience this pain on a regular basis. Back pain and neck pain are among the most common reasons for doctor visits, and are major causes of disability, lost work days, and high health-care costs. There is a better way to deal with this issue than painful surgery and harmful drugs that just mask the problem.

Surgery is not a guaranteed solution - I had surgery and it took 2 months to recuperate and it was only a short time after that until my pain returned.  As a benefit I was left with an ugly scar that will never go away.  I was tired of living with this pain so I looked for a better treatment and found one.

I did not realize how important a well conditioned back is for my over all health.
  I thought that meant spending hours in the gym and frankly that is just not me.  What I did not know was that it is very simple and does not take much time to get a back into a healthy condition.  A state that has left me without Neck & Back Pain; so far permanently!

I went to Doctors, tried all kinds of Drugs, visited Chiropractors, had regular Massages, and spent money on expensive Physical Therapists.  With the exception of the therapist, none of them worked, and the therapist only worked while I was taking the time and spending the money to visit the therapist.

What i learned is the best way to a pain free life is through education.  I learned the key components to spinal health and the anatomy of my spine and the muscles that operated it.  I learned what I was doing wrong and how to start the healing process.  I was taught how to fix my muscular imbalances from a lifetime of incorrectly using my back.  It sounds difficult but it was actually incredibly easy.

I spend about 10 minutes a day with a routine that keeps my back & neck in pain-free shape and I do it in my bedroom before I take a shower in the morning.  I learned how to bullet proof my back and if you have back and neck issues I urge you to do the same.  I found a natural solutiion that works.

Discover how to Bullet Proof your back and never suffer from Neck & Back Pain Again.

Visit www.BulletProofBack.com Now for a Natural Sollution to Your Pain!